Everyone talks about the weather, but...

Everyone talks about the weather, but no one tells it to you the way it is. Until now. At the bottom of this posting is a weather report that tells it the way it is. This isn't what we usually get. Usually, meteorologistmen and women strive for an intimacy that is not just impossible, but also a little unsettling.


For example, on the Weather Channel, they say, "Hey, it's going to be a bit chilly this weekend, so grab that jacket - you know, the nice fleece one, and maybe that colorful knit scarf that goes with just about everything... you have such good taste! I feel so close to you - we should have coffee sometime - what do you say? Maybe down at that coffee shop on the corner, the one with the pumpkin spice coffee? YUM! And don't forget that nice jacket and scarf, because it will be chilly!"

None of that for me. Here is the REAL thing:

Wxrisk.com: ‎***ALERT *** ALERT *** FOLKS... the cold coming this weekend for ALL of the East coast from NC to Maine is going to KNOCK YOU YOIUR ASS ... it will STUN you... first the winds ... all day OCT 1-2 due NORTH 15-30 MPH over all areas... and the cold saturday evening overight and Sunday.. with that wind...
