Sacrificial Lambs, my new novel, is out

Hi everyone!

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Just in time for (the second half of) beach season (2019), I am excited (and a little nervous) to tell you that a novel I’ve been working on for TWENTY YEARS (seriously) is now out: Sacrificial Lambs. It’s available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle (see links below). (ok, no more parentheticals)

Sacrificial Lambs is a satirical thriller. I mock the media, politics and televangelism in the book, while at the same time tell a story about a young family in mortal danger, fleeing from powerful, dark forces determined to exploit them or even kill them.

I hope you’ll find it both funny and exciting – to be honest, I still laugh when I read it.

How to order:



If you can’t use Kindle and want to read it electronically, let me know and I can get you a pdf.


If you like it, PLEASE tell friends, neighbors, coworkers and cellmates, and consider leaving a review in Amazon. I am very proud of this book, and I am hoping it will be successful. But whether lots of people read it or not, I hope *you* read it and like it.

Thanks for all your support for my writing over the years. And happy Fourth of July!


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